BOWFLEX TC10 Treadmill - Available All Stores

BOWFLEX TC10 Treadmill - Available All Stores

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$1,049.00ELITE PRICE$599 or $5.56pay weekly, see how it works
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Watch the calories BURN! The Bowflex® Treadclimber® TC10 combines an elliptical, treadmill and stairclimber to provide you with a low impact, but highly effective workout. The incline feature enables you to burn calories 3.5 times faster than other cardio equipment (in the same amount of time!) and presents noticeable results, simply by walking! Let the pounds slip away, feel your fitness improve, and witness as your muscles tone. The user-friendly LCD display allows you to monitor Speed, Time, Distance and Calories burned at ease. The Treadclimber® TC10 has a compact design, suitable for all homes and living spaces.

This is a demo unit, used for up to six weeks before being returned, professionally cleaned, and reboxed.

Please note: Minor surface blemishes may be present. For further details, please contact us.

Ex-Demo / Clearance Stock

  • Used for 2 - 6 weeks, professionally cleaned and reboxed.
  • Minor cosmetic rust on the paint (most can be removed with cleaning effort).
  • For more information, please call the store.

*Please Note: Advertised prices may differ in-store to cover local freight.

  • 4 LCD Display Screens: Displaying valuable feedback including; Time, Distance, Calories, Speed & Heart Rate.
  • 3 in 1 Cardio Machine: Burn 3.5 times the calories in the same amount of time as other cardio machines.
  • 6.4km/h Speed Control: Located on the console, start off steady and adjust the speed to build up your fitness and stamina.
  • 4 Electronic Functions: Easily adjust your speed with Up and Down arrows and quick start/stop buttons.
  • Low Impact Machine: Dramatically reduce the force and impact that goes through your joints while walking.
  • Compact Design: Smaller footprint than most normal treadmills.
  • Transport Wheels: Allows for a convenient way to move the machine between workouts.
  • Water Bottle Holders x2: Conveniently located on either side of the console.
  • Built-in Tablet Tray: To hold your device so you can enjoy your own personal entertainment.